Business category 1 | Printing Machinery Parts |
City ( of main office ) | Pekanbaru, ID, Indonesia |
Address | JL Sungai Kapuas No. 46A |
Phones | +62 (051) 5730378 |
Fax | +62 (051) 5730478 |
Web site | www.walstore26.com |
About | Walstore26 started selling printhead and inkjet products online - largely refill kits - in 2000. We didn't even have a domain name! We piggy-backed on our isp's until 2004 when we launched our first real domain name website. Although walstore26.com launched in the fall of 2008, we secured the name back in 1997 - we figured it would come in handy eventually! We continue to service our community, but an increasingly large amount of business is conducted in places other than our hometown. |
Date | 2015 Oct 19, 01:10 |