top grade replica bag,wallet,belt,shoe of Louis Vuitton, D&G, Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Jimmy Choo, Fend
Type of posting | Offer |
Category | Sports Shoes |
City / Port | Beijing, CN, China |
Description | . We ( are a professional manufacturor and exporter of top grade replica bag,wallet,belt,shoe of Louis Vuitton, D&G, Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Jimmy Choo, Fendi , Cartier, Dior, Hermes, ean Paul Gaultter, Lancel , Marc Jacobs, Mulberry, Thomas Wyled, Warsace, YVES Saint Laurent, Chloe, Miumiu, CeliNE , BOTTEGA. we welcome your comments and thank you for visiting our site. Our website: Email: SKepy:topgradereplica 1. Quality: our high replica replica bag,belt,shoes,hat are made of the same top material as the authentic products with tags, original packaging. All of the designer replica bag,belt,shoes,hat that we produce are 99.9% true mirror image replica bags. No-one will ever know you arenÂt carrying an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag or that your authentic Chanel is in fact a Chanel replica! 2. Price:please refer to our online shop (Our replicaÂs retail price is only 10% of the authentic, and the whosale price is much lower) 3. Payment: western union, papal, bank transfer and so on 4. Shipping time: within 24 hours after payment 5. Delivery: by EMS,DHL,TNT,UPS,FEDEX |
Date | 2008 Dec 5, 02:12 |