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Business category 1 ABS
City ( of main office ) Portland, US, United States
Address 1742 NE 48th Ave
Phones 1-360-9899579
Fax 1
Web site nuvape.com
About nuVape offers 'juice' refills for electronic cigarette users. Providing a retail supply of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) , at an affordable price. Mission Statement: Value, Quality, Honesty, Opportunity and Attention. Value is a priority, providing the highest 'bang for the buck' to our customers to ensure their return business. Quality means not cutting corners. Our products arrive looking professional, with a consistant product, attractively packaged with the customer eagerly awaiting arrival. Honesty returns customers, avoiding 'back-orders' is essential. If a product is bought, that product is shipped. Clear communication will pave the road to success. Opportunity, NRT is one of the newest therapies to end tobacco abuse. Providing a reliable source of supplies that cater to users desires (simplicity of ordering, variety of products and custom requests) help to ensure a continued path to tobacco abstanence with a greater chance of a users success. Attention to customers, their individual needs, thier requests, are answered personally, if they take the time to write, we listen and respond. Thank YOU for your time and hopes for a long growing business relationship.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10