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Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Amman, JO, Jordan
Address P. O. Box 1987
Phones 962-6-5333702
Fax 962-6-5692978
About micsc is founded in 1991 has focused its attention on small and mid-sized businesses, which the larger consulting firms have neglected. Since we are a project oriented group that takes clients from concept to turnkey completion, our job is not over until you are satisfied and see tangible results.
Our Mission:
To meet and exceed our customers expectations.
Our Beliefs:
We believe in the free enterprise system.
We shall consistently treat our customers, employees,
families, suppliers and the community with honesty, dignity,
fairness and respect. We will conduct our business with
the highest ethical consultancy standards i. e Good
professional consultancy Practice (GPCP)
Field of Experience
- Assist SMEs in Research and New Product Development, Product
Packaging, Operations, Management Systems, Production
Planning, Work Management, Inventory Control, Quality
Control management and other.
- Conducting Business plan
- Conducting product development, Production protocols, Industrial management.
- Conducting Techno-economic feasibility studies of three parts
( Market, Technical and Financial analysis) .
- Conducting Sectoral studies.
- Conducting Due-diligence for existing Industrial companies and
- Conducting Diagnostic studies and upgrading plans for industry
and Services.
- Conducting Marketing studies, strategies and planning.
- Conducting Organization structure and HR studies.
- Conducting Technical, Cost and developing of products
concerning process and quality studies as per CGMP.
- Conducting Plant equipment specification and tendering
- Conducting Local and International sourcing (procurement) of
equipments for small scale and medium scale industries.
- Supervising installation of small and medium scale production
plant including Training, Process and Quality control processing
and Validation.
- Conducting Technology Transfer Agreements.
- Conducting turn key small scale Projects implementation
Sectors of Experience
micsc experts have wide experience in conducting the consultancy business with clients Locally and abroad in various sectors including but not limited to the followings:
1. Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry:
- Pharmaceutical Formulation.
- Veterinary Formulation.
- Diagnostic Kits for Medical Lab.
- Pharmaceutical raw material (Chemical and Biotechnology
technique) .
2. Chemical Industry
- Heath care industry
- Chemical Cleaning Detergent Industry.
- Dead Sea Product industry
- Cosmetics, Personal and Baby care
- Raw material
- Fertilizer
3. Plastic Industry:
- Medical and lab. plastic appliances industry.
- Plastic piping and accessories.
- General (Bottles and container)
4. Food industries including but not limited to:
- Meat processing.
- Canned Food.
- Frozen Food.
- Chocolate, wafer and Biscuit processing
- Dairy
5. Biotechnology Industry
- Raw material for Pharmaceutical Industry.
- Single Cell Protein.
6. Stationary industry
7. Media, Magazine and Newspaper
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10