Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Milano, IT, Italy |
Address | Via Ettore Ponti 21 |
Phones | 39-02-407063715 |
Fax | 39-02-407063715 |
About | Mabro S. A. is a Swiss society, with legal seat in Lugano and operative offices in Italy, Milan. Mabro S. A. offers to the enterprises personalized business advices in Communication and Marketing fields and works also in the area of Import / Export at 360 degrees. Mabro S. A. is able to guarantee a personalized and specialized business assistance to all the enterprises interested in import / export operations, thanks to a deep knowledge of foreign markets and a big worldwide network of business contacts. MABRO TEAM: - has a deep knowledge of international economic survey and the ability to follow constantly the economic and commercial evolution of foreign markets; - has the ability to manage international relations in an independent way, thanks not only to linguistic and cultural knowledge but also economic, financial and juridical one: Mabro S. A. manages international transactions in commercial, legal and administrative way, using the most modern telematic and information technologies; - works with current laws thanks to a deep knowledge of national and international commercial regulations; - is able to supply detailed information about monetary regulations, costumes procedures, rates and necessary documents for importation and exportation of goods; - knows all the problems about transports and is able to predispose legal and commercial documentations, bank procedures and insurance forms requested by the different subjects that intervene in transactions (customs, carriers, banks, insurer agents, agents, etc) ; - follows the relations with insurance companies about carriage of goods and shows the better way to establish an import / export relationship with a foreign enterprise; - supports the enterprise to manage commercial negotiations, leading directly selling bargaining with foreign countries, with specific orientations for every country; - offers business advice in the stipulation of international contracts, written also in foreign language; - looks for commercial, distributive or productive partners (prospective clients, suppliers, import / export agents, etc) working in foreign countries and manages relative contacts; - identifies preferential foreign markets for the internationalization of the enterprise (trends and perspectives of development) , commercial opportunities and it studies strategies and the conditions to enter in reference markets; - supports the enterprise in the promotion and in the key operations to achieve visibility and a good public image in international markets: participation in international exhibitions, entrepreneurial missions in foreign countries, organization of business meetings or demonstrative events (tasting, product test, fashion shows, etc) ; - verifies communication tools (catalogues, brochures, translations, website, packaging, etc) used by the enterprise and proposes possible modifications with the aim to conform them to the new international dimension. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |