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inci Gomlek

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Ankara, TR, Turkey
Address Istanbul CAD. Hamurcu Pasaji No. 18 / 19
Phones 90-212-5438652
Fax 90
Web site incigomlek.com
About We are an export company which deals with global shirt marketing. We manufacture our own products to sell it worldwide. Our company is a personal foundation and was established under the name "inci boutique" and in the year of 1984. Since that year up to now we have been producing personal size made shirts. At the same time for over a year we have been engaged in the wholsale business. Among our customers are there eminent figures, special personalities such as the special adviser of japanese prime ministery and minister of educational affairs of Indonesia and chairman of sport federation of Indonesia and etc.

Now, we have begun in supplying our personal made size shirts for wholesale. Our intention is to introduce the inci brand to the international textile market and co operate and contact with serious buyer companies.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10