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Business category 1 Dried Fruit
City ( of main office ) Sīrjān, IR, Iran
Address navab street
Phones 98-913-1453565
Fax 98-345-5230367
Web site www.illiyapistachio.com
About LLIYA PISTACHIOCO is located in Sirjan a city of the Kerman province in Iran. As you know pistachio productions of this city are well known and famous IPCO is an active company about this crop in all phase especially marketing and exporting. In fact the main purpose of our company is to improve the quality of the product and production of healthy product in pace with the foodstuff safety policies of purchasing countries and IlliyapistachioCompany as well as possible. In order to protect public health of our purchasers has made us more decisive in improvement of the quality of pistachio production and it is manifest that in all of the related activities in production, processing, transportation and export of pistachio. In fact our main objective is to reach the standards of European countries and other countries which are customers of our productions. AlsoIPCo policy is determined to produce healthy and high quality pistachio according to the International standards and to achieve this objective, all of our departments and organization in various production stages have taken effective steps and are going to take more effective measures in future and the subject is seriously follow. Besides for this purpose we utilize modern and automatic terminal in a spread field.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10