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hidroklas ltd.sti

Business category 1 Pumps
City ( of main office ) Konya, TR, Turkey
Address 1. Busan org. san. 1. sk. no: 35
Phones 90-332-345 13 83
Fax 90
Web site www.hidroklas.com.tr/eng/hakkimizda.asp
About Hidroklas hydraulic machine corporation begins to product hydraulic telescopic cylinder and hydraulic parts begining of 2006. Our company is exporting products except Turkey, firstly Middle East countries and other lots of country.
Importing user glad for us because of this we aim to showing first class quality.

Hidroklas hydraulic machine corporation showing first class quality and service in 1500 m2 close and 500 m2 open area.

......From beginig production to the now hidroklas rising with it's good qualities for making it's succession continual and making big,with yours wanting and supporting it working in this industry part and this technology race .
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10