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hawaz nigeria ltd

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Kaduna, NG, Nigeria
Address 8a Isa Kaita Road
Phones 234-062-371022
Fax 234-062-371022
About Hawaz Nigeria ltd is a medium size business. We have over 15 years experience in doing business in Nigeria. We currently represent a local company nef-tech. Nef-tech is a new company with modern machinerys for processing wood for export in Nigeria. We are actively looking for market for this goods all over the world. Nef tech is affliated with the federal institute of research ibadan (ferein) for further special processing specifications I. E. Air dry, klin dry e. T. C. The quaality of this products begin from the time of processing they are sorted into diffrent sizes, processed and package according to grades and client specifications.


Our mission is to provide quality processed woods and services to our clients. Commitment to quality, hard work and vast experience gives us the confidence to deliver quality process woods from Nigeria to your table.


Our product command a premium price, affodable and also negotiable for Europe, USA and other foreign markets.

Available products:

Red apa (afzelia africana) also known as hard wood other products are available on request.


(i) block size - 80 x 80 - 470/520

- 75 x 75 - 480/400

(ii) strip size any given specification by client's
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10