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grupo de alba

Business category 1 Yogurt
City ( of main office ) Querétaro, MX, Mexico
Address rincon de fray juan 23
Phones 52-442-1407537
About Frequently Asked Questions

How can I eat chia?
Chia seeds can be consumed directly and do not need to be ground. Most people mix them with foods such as yogurt, juices, broths, salads, omelets, cereals, etc. In addition, they can be mixed (ground or whole) with flour and used for making breads, pizza, etc.

How much chia seed should be consumed each day?
The recommended omega-3 daily intake is 4 grams. Approximately 0.7 ounces (20 grams or 2 tablespoons) of chia seed provides 4 grams of omega-3.

How is the seed stored?
Chia seeds will stay in good condition at room temperature for several years. There is no need to keep the seeds in the refrigerator, whether kept in sealed bags or not. Natural antioxidants in the seeds provide this stability.

Should the chia seeds be washed?
Chia seeds do not need to be washed. Furthermore, their high level of soluble fiber will absorb moisture and form a gel (of up to 9 times their volume) if placed in water.

Is it necessary to grind the seeds?
Chia seeds do not need to be ground for absorption.

Is chia safe?
Chia has been consumed by humans for thousands of years. It was one of the main foods of the Aztecs and Mayas. The FDA has stated that chia is a food, rather than a supplement, and can be consumed without restrictions.

Why there is not a certified organic chia yet?
Commercial chia production needs to expand to new regions and more farms in order to make it more widely available and lower its cost. This requires very complex agronomic projects which are underway in several countries. Given that chia seed production is actually non-intrusive and that the product is safe, we think it is not yet necessary to have a reliable source of certified organic chia seed. Additionally, such a program will increase production costs which would ultimately be passed on to the consumer.

Can I lose weight by eating chia?
Chia has high levels of fatty acids, which are high in calories, but with essentially equivalent quantities of fiber, which are low in calories. It is not a dietary food; however, the volumetric expansion of the seeds in the stomach can help to give a feeling of satiety or fullness, thereby making you feel less hungry.

Is the protein in chia seeds gluten-free?
Yes, naturally gluten-free.

Is chia good for people with arthritis?
Yes. Omega-3 acts as an anti-inflammatory agent which is beneficial for arthritis.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10