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Business category 1 Jam
City ( of main office ) Brandon, US, United States
Address P. O. Box 4373
Phones 1-813-8631848
Fax 1-317-8631848
Web site www.esalespartner.com
About eSales Partner is your partner inside of the United States for eCommerce!
Our suppliers ship their products to our warehouse where we stock and ship out from our location inside of the United States.
There are many customers inside of the United States that will not purchase from outside of the US for fear of losing money or not recieving their items.
Our job is to make sure that the customer always gets their item ONTIME!
Just consider eSales Partner as your warehouse and shipping department located here in the USA!

When you do business with eSales Partner you can have the confidence that you have an American business partner who has your company and business in their hands and will provide you with the service and attention that you deserve.

Thank You,
James Worley

Retail, Wholesale, Clearance
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10