China Pipe Fittings directory
Specializing in manufacturing bend bend, Carbon steel bend , Stainless steel bend Socket Seamless bend.
Reducer (different-diameter...
CNY 1 ~
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Guangzhou, CN
manufacturer of stainless steel bend manufacturer of stainless steel bend.
stainless steel bend is set by bending mold for bending,...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
Specializing in manufacturing Welding reducer welding Reducer, Carbon steel Reducer , Stainless steel reducer Socket reducer.
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
manufacturer of high pressure bend manufacturer of high pressure bend.
high pressure bend is set by bending mold for bending, divided...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
Specializing in manufacturing Socket reducer Socket Reducer, Carbon steel Reducer , Stainless steel reducer Socket reducer.
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
Specializing in manufacturing high pressure reducer high pressure Reducer, Carbon steel high pressure Reducer Alloy high pressure Reducer, Stainless...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
manufacturer of steel cap manufacturer of steel cap.
Steel cap is the pipe fitting which welded in pipe or in pipe end...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
Specializing in manufacturing Stainless steel reducer Stainless steel Reducer, Carbon steel CON Reducer Alloy Reducer, carbon steel reducer.
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
manufacturer of carbon steel cap manufacturer of carbon steel cap.
carbon steel cap is the pipe fitting which welded in pipe or in...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
manufacturer of stainless steel cap manufacturer of stainless steel cap.
stainless steel cap is the pipe fitting which welded in pipe...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
Specializing in manufacturing Carbon steel reducer Carbon steel Reducer, Carbon steel CON Reducer AlloyReducer, stainless steel reducer.
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
manufacturer of high pressure steel cap manufacturer of high pressure steel cap.
high pressure steel cap is the pipe fitting which welded...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
Specializing in manufacturing high pressure bend high pressure bend,Stainless steel bend,Carbon steel bend, Socket Seamless bend.
Bend is set by...
CNY 1 ~
per Kg
per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
manufacturer of steel pipe manufacturer of steel pipe.
steel pipe according to the production method can be divided into two...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
Specializing in manufacturing Stainlss steel bend Stainless steel bend,Carbon steel bend, Socket Seamless bend.
Bend is set by bending mold for...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
Specializing in manufacturing Carbon steel bend Carbon steel bend, Stainless steel bend, Socket Seamless bend.
Bend is set by bending mold for...
CNY 1 ~
per Kg
per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
manufacturer of carbon steel pipe manufacturer of carbon steel pipe.
carbon steel pipe according to the production method can be...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
manufacturer of stainless steel pipe manufacturer of stainless steel pipe.
stainless steel pipe according to the production method can...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
manufacturer of alloy steel pipe manufacturer of alloy steel pipe.
alloy steel pipe according to the production method can be...
CNY 1 ~
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per Kg
Guangzhou, CN
Specializing in manufacturing Seamless bend Seamless bend, Carbon steel bend , Stainless steel bend, Socket Seamless bend.
Bend is set by...
CNY 1 ~
per Kg
per Kg
Guangzhou, CN