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design for your life

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Niagara Falls, CA, Canada
Address 4810 fourth ave
Phones 1-905-3471404
Fax 1-905-3563031
Web site www.designforyourlife.com
About The Picc a Boo Picc line sleeve and other specialty cover sleeves (colostomy sleeve, leg
bag cover sleeves and the over night urinary cover sleeve are a trade mark of Design
for your life.
These products were created by registered nurses who have over the years treated
clients requiring long term intravenous therapy, indwelling catheters and colostomys.
Medically, the picc line is a device which is inserted in the upper arm and is covered
with a transparent dressing. Unfortunately, it remains visable and is associated with a
medical ailment, the urinary catheter bags and colostomy bags are sometimes visable
as well and again, associated with a private medical matter.
The sleeves are asthetically appealing garments which are non-restrictive and safe to
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10