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deepa international

Business category 1 Candles
City ( of main office ) Fīrozābād, IN, India
Address 2/67, Suhag Nagar
Phones +91-5612-276040
Fax 91-5612-244540
Web site raceaheadproductions.com
About We are the largest supplier of glass bottles in india and abroad also. Our ragular brands are- Mc dowells, shaw wallace, kingfisher and many more distilleries india. We think that we can complete your requirement with succassfully and complete satisfaction.

Please provide us the samples of your demanded items like mesurement, color, weight and shape so we can start the process of early production.

We hope you will take an earlier action in this connection and reply my mail sa shortly as we expacted.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10