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consulenza all impresa

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Bologna, IT, Italy
Address T BOSI
Phones 39-331-9276969
Fax 39
Web site www.consulenzallimpresa.it
About Dears sirs, we are happy to introduce you our association.

All the people that are working in this company are lawyer, financial consulent, agent that are in his sector from more over than 20 years. As you can see on our web site (now only in italian, but we all speak English and French) , we are interested in soddisfy your requirement for invest money in houses or company or industries in Italy. In Italy infact it is possible to find good house or good investiments without spending lot of money.

We can also rent your houses in Italy for a good price and with all the financial garancy that the renter will pay correctly.

so we all hope that you will contact us for have more informations.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10