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ceramic fiber textiles

Type of posting Offer
Category Fireproofing Materials
City / Port Zibo, CN, China
Description Ceramic fiber textiles contain the rope, tape, yarn and cloth. ZIBO SK ceramic fiber textiles are woven or braided from yarn consisting of refractory ceramic fiber with approximately 20% organic fiber. Inserted materials are reinforced into the yarn to increase the tensile strength of fibers. Stainless steel inserts are available for obtaining maximum strength at high temperatures. Glass filament inserts are used in applications where electrical resistance is required, ZIBO SK ceramic fiber textiles have been a workable insulation materials for thermal gaskets and wrapping, its unique functions and features are gaining more popularity in the high temperature insulations.

Low thermal conductivity
Low heat storage
Reduces fume emission around refractory
Excellent thermal shock resistance
Resistance to gas velocity
Easy to install
Adheres to most ceramic and metallic surface
Excellent corrosion resistance
Insert to most chemicals
Impermeable to molten aluminum, zinc, copper & lead
Asbestos free

Categories of Textiles
Yarn, cloth, square braided rope
Round braided rope, twisted rope, tape, sleeve

Typical Applications
Gasket and wrapping material
Cable and wire insulation
Welding curtains and blankets
Furnace curtains & heat zone separators
Fuel line insulation
Expansion joints
High temperature seals and packing in furnaces
Door seals for stove and oven
Thermally insulating pipe wrap
Kiln car seals
Date 2017 Feb 22, 02:02