bizenjo mines
Business category 1 | Ore |
City ( of main office ) | Karachi, PK, Pakistan |
Address | Rehman Center Baloch Colony, Shah-E-Faisal |
Phones | 92-345-8215946 |
Fax | 92 |
Web site | |
About | Mining and processing of iron ore makes a vital contribution to our nation's well being by providing raw materials essential for modern society. Bizenjo Mining Field Company recognizes that extraction and processing of iron ore must be accomplished in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on the environment. Bizenjo believes that environmental stewardship is essential to our business success and to the community in which we live and work. Enviromental Policy A. Consider compliance with laws and regulations, permits, and related agreements to be a minimum and build from this foundation. B. Build and maintain an environmental management system and related standards, programs and procedures that fully integrate prevention of pollution into business planning. C. Inform all employees of their responsibility to comply with this policy and to be sensitive to the effects of North shore's operations on the environment. Encourage and empower employees to suggest improvements. D. Conduct periodic audits to verify compliance with the environmental management system and to identify areas for continual improvement and innovation. E. Precede new activities or proposed changes in operating procedures with an environmental assessment to determine the environmental impact. Design such activities to minimize those impacts. F. Inform contractors of their responsibility to conform to applicable environmental procedures. G. Contribute to the development and administration of technically and economically sound environmental standards, regulations, and compliance procedures through interaction with professional and trade groups, legislative bodies, regulatory agencies, and citizens' organizations. H. Establish procedures for reporting, responding to and correcting any conditions or incidents with the potential for adverse environmental impact. I. Maintain open communication with the community and any concerned stakeholders about North shore's environmental policy, plans and environmental performance. Ensure state-of-the-art and innovative reclamation practices are incorporated into the planning and operations for sites and facilities where appropriate. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 00:10 |