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Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Hannover, DE, Germany
Address Steintorstr. 6
Phones 0049-0511 -36253645
Fax 49
Web site www.euro-otc-pharma.de
About Company profile:

BFB is a pharmaceutical wholesaler pursuant to section 52, paragraph 1 of the Medicines Act, with the main focus on food supplements, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, ge-nerics, cosmetic products, vitamin products and mineral nu-trients as well as on small medical devices and technology for laboratories and learning.

BFB Global Trade & Marketing GmbH & Co. KG has the ex-clusive rights for the worldwide export to non-European countries of EURO OTC Pharma GmbH products, located in Boenen (WWW. Euro-otc-pharma. De) . These products are being offered under the brand names Eu Rho Vital / Apo Vital.

Moreover, BFB is the exclusive representative of NOVATEX GmbH and Hauck GmbH + Co. KG for the Ira-nian market and parts of the Middle East.

Novatex (WWW. Baby-nova. De) is a producer of non-food arti-cles for babies and children. The core program includes teats, baby bottles and accessories. It is marketed world-wide under the well-known brand name.

The hauck group (WWW. Hauck-group. De) offers a comprehen-sive range of strollers and baby equipment.

We cooperate also with some companies within the range of the medical devices. Among them with company Hakiman. With the company Pharmateb we stand for some time in close contact and communication, to strengthen our busi-ness activities in Iran.

Brands: EuRho Vital, Apo Vital & Vita Fit

Agency and branches in Iran, Pakistan and the Balkan countries

Holdings: Euro OTC & BFB Pharma GmbH, a joint venture of Euro OTC and BFB for producing and trading pharmaceuti-cal products.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10