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art architecture

Business category 1 Plant & Animal Oil
City ( of main office ) Pátrai, GR, Greece
Address Parodos Panepistimiou 53, Numb. 3
Phones 30-2610-421 914
Fax 30-2610-431 837
About Dear Sirs or Madams,
We are Architectural office and construction company.
Few people in the planet have the knowledge to conatruct an effective bio-climatic Villa, "low energy home consrtuction", how more the same home cam produce more of the energy it needs, with solar panels in their roofs.
We are one of the few, having all the pakage of knowlege and experience.
The 2.012 years of knowledge in total, that the 12 members of the company haves in this kind of business, ensure succes.
Yorgos Kyriakopoulos Architect-President
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10