amega global
Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Chennai, IN, India |
Address | 35, Royapettah |
Phones | 91-988-4922123 |
Fax | 91 |
Web site | |
About | mega Global is the Global Leader in E-commerce Network Marketing of Bio-Energetic erapeutic products, futuristic AMized Fusion Technology Wellness products that also include High-Value Gems, Jewelry and Watches providing an enterprising opportunity to Everyone, Anywhere, Anytime! Amega Global was formed by a group of companies involved in nance, manufacturing, IT, diamond and jewelry industries. They created the AMEGA GLOBAL business model that empowers individuals to become successful, nancially independent and to realize their goals. They combine exciting and innovative products with a business model that is driven by a robust e-commerce portal - providing a FREE ENTERPRISE solution for anyone to achieve globally. Immune System The immune system is a complex network of specialized blood cells and organs that defend the body against attacks by foreign invaders. When functioning properly, it ghts infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. When it malfunctions, however we become vulnerable to a torrent of diseases, from allergy to arthritis, from cancer to AIDS. The immune system, more than any other body systems, depends on good and all-round nutrition. It is one of the rst systems to decline under undue physical and emotional stress, but recovers quickly if nutrition is complete and general health is good. Common Chronic Diseases Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes, are by far the leading cause of mortality in the world, representing 60% of all deaths. Out of the 35 million people who died from chronic disease in 2005, half were under 70 and half were women.This invisible epidemic is an under-appreciated cause of poverty and hinders the economic development of many countries. Contrary to common perception, 80% of chronic disease deaths occur in low and middle income countries.The global epidemic of chronic disease must, and can, be stopped. Blood and Circulatory System Blood carries nutrients and removes waste products of cell metabolism,thus directly a ecting the health condition of every cell in the body.That is why our blood circulation, both the macro-circulation (the main arter-ies and veins) and the micro-circulation systems (the capillaries that extend blood to all vital tissues and organs) are called The River of Life. us, we need to ensure that our blood vessels stay resilient for good circulation. This is because when blood vessels lose their resilience, blood circulation will be obstructed, consequently hindering the distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. When blood circulation becomes insu cient, our cells, tissues and organs are not properly nourished and sit in their own waste. ey begin to wear out more rapidly. Externally, we begin to experience ache and pain, our joints become weaken and sti en. Our senses become dulled and our brains start to become less active. We start to get old prematurely. A good circulatory system requires good, all-nutrients with special emphasis on protein, iron, zinc and vitamins C and E, potassium, calcium, magnesium & etc. Main functions of the blood: To supply oxygen to all our tissues To remove waste substances from the tissues To carry nutrients to all parts of the body To carry antibodies to infection sites The Solution The vision of Amega Global is in a health promoting world free of preventable chronic diseases. We at Amega encourage healthy living (better diet, more physical activity and tobacco cessation) and healthy societies, especially for the poor and those living in disadvantaged populations. We believe in prevention of premature deaths and avoid unnecessary disability due to chronic diseases.The solutions exist now with AMEGA, the Energy of Life |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 00:10 |