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all- aroub agricultural farme

Business category 1 Fashion Bags
City ( of main office ) Beijing, CN, China
Address Main Road-Al-Arroub
Phones 972-09-2671406
Fax 972-09-2671406
About Coordinate farme marketing agricultural products: direct supervision over external promotion and advertisement activities of products. Direct supervision over filling, packaging and shipping procedures, prepare programes and plans that help Arroub Frame reach local markets and expand markets

***-development of the Arroub Agricultural Secondary Coeducational School Frame by provide consulting services for preparing a business plan and technical design blus the educational training plan for establishing processing facility, that can be used to solicit competitive bids for project implementation

The ultimate goal is: provides technical agricultural education and training to students and supporting food security through the improvements in food production, food quality and consumer availability of food primarily for local consumption

- development of the cows, sheep and goats farmes blus develop dairy processing factory in Arroub Frame to produce milk and milk by-products for local markets: provide guidance and technical assistance, supervison of cows, sheep and goats farmes operations on a day-to-day basis at the field level, determine consumer preferences for dairy products taking into consideration both the variety and affordability of product, estimate the ecomics and sustainability of operations to produce cows, sheep and goat dairy products through profit analysis, capacity required, product varieties and facility design, as well as an estimate of capital investment requirements for startup

- commercial frech herb production by broviding consultation and assistance so that the herb production facility will qualify

- operation of greenhouses: supervision of the greenhouse design, Delever accredited training to students on following topics: Euro gape, fod hygiene, internal auditing and inspection, HACCP and traceability

Implement Euro gape procedures for both greenhouses and packinghouse, including onsite training

Develop asound, practical and documented traceability system

Date 2011 Oct 28, 21:10