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alda-jani investments inc

Business category 1 Real Estate Projects
City ( of main office ) Ottawa, CA, Canada
Address 1383 Oxford Avenue
Phones 1-905-8476750
Fax 1-905-9019589
About We are Alda-Jani Investments Inc. , Acnadian bbased company operating in the comodities markets as well as real estate.

We buy and sell comodities such as Rice, Sugar, Wheat, Tea, Cement, as well as all other items that are of interst to you.

Our fiield is a large one and our expertise covers many different fields of supply.

what ever your requirements are, give us a call or send us an email, we will do our best to accomodate you. if we could not then you have lost nothing and we gained your association and friendship.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10