White Lane service Station Ltd
Business category 1 | Slippers |
City ( of main office ) | London, GB, United Kingdom |
Address | 277 Camrose Avenuue |
Phones | 44-0208-9330159 |
Fax | 44-0208-9030159 |
About | The company directors are in Motor trade consultants since 1956. The company DIRECTORS can act as Dealer development managers for any Motor industries or component manufacturers who may wish to APPOINT AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS and importers IN UK OR EEC COUNTRIES AND EASTERN Europe. The presenbtly specialise and suppliers of any make of new and used Motor vehicles and also can supply both LHD and RHD vehicles EEC standard and also non eexc standard for African markets. We are also importers Exporters and work as manufacturers agents. We are looking for suppliers for: New and sed Plant Macjinery for auto Lamp Productions and H1 H3 and H4 Bulbs and Headlamps and Tail Lamps/ to start production in India in joint venture... for which we will require a turn key project report with rawmaterial costings and the requirements of joint ionvestors and their terms with total cost of Plant and Machinery and stock of raw material requirements for 3 months productions and tech staff requirements and if the same can be located by the suppliers of Machinery/ In UK we can locate stockist and importers and exporters for any one wish to supply stock on consignment or for profit shareing bases or joint venture investment for retail and trade sales in UK for: New and used Tyres and Batteries New and used Cars-trucks-4x4 vehicles-mini buses sports cars-executive cars-surplus military disposals arms and tanks-aircrafts-halicopetrs MI-17 types etc. from japan -USA China or India- russia or eu countries LHD and RHD models Investors for buying and selling Properties in India and UK |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 10:10 |