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WWWeb Ltd

Business category 1 Flow Measuring Instruments
City ( of main office ) Wellington, NZ, New Zealand
Address 19 Beasley Ave
Phones 64-9-5255929
Fax 64-9-5255923
Web site wwweb.co.nz
About WWWeb Ltd, trades as Water and Waste Water Environmental Betterment and specialises in the monitoring of water and wastewater piped networks to prevent pollution of the environment. Our flagship product, the "Web and Flow" monitor is a low cost, wireless, web enabled, sewer flow, depth and quality monitor capable of monitoring sewer flows and predicting impending overflows through the back end neural data analysis algorithm. This not only avoids large EPA penalties for sewer spills, but provides a pro-active approach to pollution prevention and the preservation of public health.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 00:10