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City ( of main office ) Sydney, AU, Australia
Address 26 Bridge Street
Phones 61-2-96386555
Fax 61-2-9638 6955
Web site www.whizbrands.com
About Are You Making These Buying Mistakes?

Did you know over 70% -80% of all products launched into retail grocery stores fail?

Now, if you're a buyer for a distributor, wholesaler or retailer, this could mean the difference between a profitable business / department or one that barely makes a profit. Even worse, is the pressure to avoid a losing product and the time, energy and money wasted when you end-up with a losing product.

Now, all this starts from mistakes made by almost all buyers (including buyers from huge retail chains) , but there are steps you can take that almost guarantees success and zero risk.

One of the steps you can take right now, is to focus on building a relationship first. Sounds so simple and basic, doesn't it? But hardly anyone does it. Of course, time is limited so you can't build a relationship with everyone, but if you've identified a product or market you're interested in, then it makes sense to become a friend first. You are dealing with a real live person after all.

Most buyers make a fundamental mistake by asking for the 'best' price for a product they're interested in, which is almost always not the way to consistent long-term profits (but more on this later) . 'asking for the best price' usually means the end of the deal because most sellers won't even reply and if they do they treat you like the enemy. It's a very negative position to start from.

But, once you develop a relationship, not only will you be able to get better terms and prices but you can also practically transfer all this risk onto the seller, who will often accept it, willingly (this sounds unbelievable but can be done following a specific system) ! Why? Because the seller understands your business requirements and is better able to manage the risk transferred.

Imagine this: Your next product that was going to be a blockbuster, bombs! Generally, you'll be 'stuck' with these products and now have the added stress of getting rid of them. But, imagine if the seller is willing to take the products back from you so there is no risk to you and your business. This is exactly what Whiz Brands can do for you-Whiz Brands willingly takes the risk off your hands, and in some cases you don't even risk a cent!

It's very easy to become friends with us. All you have to do is get a copy of our free white paper called "7 Biggest Buying Mistakes Even The Most Experienced Professionals Make And How To Practically Have Sellers Beg You To Willingly Take All Your Risk".

It's really easy to get a copy of your free white paper. Simply go to: WWW. Whizbrands. Com / alibaba

Once you sign-up, the white paper will be emailed to you right away. Actually, we prefer all our friends to quickly and easily improve their businesses. We can talk about taking the risk off your hands later. So, hurry over to: WWW. Whizbrands. Com / alibaba

Your inquiry will be kept in confidence.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10