Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Taipei, TW, Taiwan |
Address | P. O. Box 48-422 |
Phones | 886-2-27859030 |
Fax | 886-2-27857602 |
About | We are the manufacturer of mechanicla seals. Help to solve the sealing problems in quality and cost. Supply untilitarian mechanical seals and parts for handing of: 1. Notmal water 2. Waste water 3. Slurry water 4. Chemical solvent 5. Cooling agent 6. High temperature 7. High pressure For application in 1. Hydraulic pump 2. Chemical pump 3. Submersible pump 4. Air condition compressor 5. Agitator 6. Automotive water pump 7. Boiler pump Meet the industries stardards of u. S. A. Japen, germany, u. K. And europe. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |