Vanguard Surety
Business category 1 | Ore |
City ( of main office ) | Shoreline, US, United States |
Address | 17520 Linden |
Phones | 1206-279-6826 |
Fax | 1206-279-6825 |
About | Vaguard Surety and credit Insurance protects your accounts receivable from losses caused by customer insolvency or protracted default (i. E. Slow pay) . The primary benefits are as follows: Protection from catastrophic credit losses Ability to grow your business by offering Higher credit limits Longer terms of sale Open account sales to export markets To improve borrowing power where the lender is restricting availability due to: Customer concentrations Foreign receivables Extended terms of sale Credit insurance premiums are tax-deductible, reserves for bad-debt are not Credit insurance is less expensive than letters of credit Policy types: "Whole Turnover"-insuring virtually all accounts "Key Account"-insuring only the largest customers "Single Customer" or "Selected Customer"-insuring only a single account. Vanguard Trade Credit will help you determine strategy and evaluate products from all domestic and international carriers. We will demonstrate for you how these programs are often self-funding, while reducing overall bad debt expense, and increasing / protecting profits. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 00:10 |