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V&A Export

Business category 1 Farms
City ( of main office ) Quito, EC, Ecuador
Address Av. de los Shyris y Suecia, Ed Renazzo Plaza
Phones 00593-02-331672
Web site www.ecuador4export.com
About V&A Export is interested to get a commercial relationship with your company in order to become a strategic partner in Ecuador, so we have developed a Commercial Representation propose.

We would like you consider the benefits that be represented by us in Ecuador can give you.

- You can be sure we will obtain the best quality and prices products because joining your actual providers with ours, the options to get better quality and lower prices is rising up.

- All our buying orders are based in the needs of our represented. We mean, we buy only the varieties you need at the prices you need each time. Also you can consider soon establishing the standing orders so you can be sure to have a standard range of prices along the year, good quality, and back up.

- About the quality, V&A as your represent ant, are committed to make 3 times per week a quality control of your shipment, so you will have always on time a report added pictures (in a few cargo agency is forbidden take pictures or open the boxes)
- We will send on time credits pre-alerts, credits alerts, credits reports to the providers always well documented with our pictures in cargo agency and yours in the final destination in case the flower get damaged in transit or bad quality.

- We propose to administrate your payments roll to farms or suppliers; so, you send the money reporting farms and quantity to be paid in only one transfer or check weekly and we pay the suppliers with and Ecuadorian check. This will be more comfortable to you as client, suppliers; and we, the representant.

We are committed to offer exclusivity in your country, state or nation. In order you become more competitive in your market and creating a loyal relationship between us. We would like you know, we are offering this propose only four of our clients around the world because we want to give this preferential treatment a few solids and well ranked companies.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10