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Valmos OU

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Tallinn, EE, Estonia
Address Audru district
Phones 372-530-38345
Fax 372-445-1701
Web site www.valmos.ee
About We produce approximately 1, 000, 000m2 of birch veneer per months. 85% from this volume is rotary cut and abt. 15% sliced veneer. Thickness of veneer is 0, 55mm and lengths 50cm up to 310cm, widths of veneer starting depending on quality from 8cm-12cm and up. We are making different qualities: A, AB, AB-, BC. Most of our sales volume is going to furniture-, panel-, spliced veneer sheets-and door producers. We are able to make special sortings in lengths and quality.

We have also splicing unit where we are making abt. 80, 000m2 of spliced veneer sheets per months.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10