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Untad Global (Division of LLA Intl. LLC Group)

Business category 1 Ore
City ( of main office ) Washington, D. C., US, United States
Address Untad Global (European Rep. Office, Riga, Latvia)
Phones 1-602-69999555
Fax 1
Web site www.untadglobal.co.cc
About Untad Global, as a division of Lestrade Law Associates International LLC Group, provides high quality, comprehensive and worldwide project funding and wealth optimisation facilitation. With a liquid capital base of more than 15 billion EUR, we are able to fund directly, or procure funding for, sound projects anywhere in the world.

Its wealth optimisation products, which are delivered exclusively by its financing partners, enables those with money for investment to maximise their return by using one, or a combination of their highly competitive products, some of which offer up to 12% ARI via flexible short to long term instruments.

Whereas, its project funding products enables clients looking for project funding starting from 5M EUR to achieve their funding requirements. Please view our web pages for further information.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10