Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Payakumbuh, ID, Indonesia |
Address | Jln. Garuda, No. 52. Belakang SMK Taman Siswa Payakumbuh |
Phones | 62-761-9890911 |
About | Uncangsiriah is an Indonesian company based in Payakumbuh, a beautiful little city only 30 km from Bukittinggi, West Sumatera. Founded by Nia Pramiova and her husband Zulfauzein Nadra a native Minangkabau who put Minangkabau arts, handicraft, style and mode to their life. This company principal activity is to bring the same feeling and passion to Minangkabau arts and handicraft to your life by providing arts, handicraft, traditional clothes, embroidery and many other product. It is our goal to satisfy you by providing excellent quality to your home/ store from production up to shipment. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |