Ultimate Consultants (Private) Limited
Business category 1 | Pressure Measuring Instruments |
City ( of main office ) | Lahore, PK, Pakistan |
Address | 241 Tufail Road, Lahore Cantt |
Phones | 92-42-6671045-46 |
Fax | 92-42-6671047 |
Web site | www.ultimate-consultants.com |
About | History: Ultimate Consultants (Pvt. ) Ltd. ; called UCL, was incorporated in 2004 in Lahore, Pakistan after due registration with SECP. There are four directors on the BoD of the company and its finances are managed by the Chjartered Accountants Javed, Jalal, Amjad & Company. Company's mission is to initiate projects in selected public service areas. Thus, UCL decided to launch projects in mineral water, CNG and security services. Establishment: UCL has three divisions namely mineral water division, CNG division and security services division. Each division is managed by one of the directors. Our current business projects are as foillows: - 1. We are producers and bottlers of bottled water branded as "Wah Natural Spring Mineral Water". 2. We establish CNG refueling stations and also provide consulting services for setting up such projects to the interested individuals and organisations. 3. Our security services are provided through our security company registered as Hexagon Security Services (Private) Limited. UCL plans to expand its services in the above areas by following measures in next three years: - 1. Wah Water will be exported to African countries on discounted rates to fight drought. To cut our production cost, we will be installing fully automatic PET bottle plant. 2. Ucl will import CNG compressors and dispensers in CKD and SKD forms and assembling these in Pakistan. 3. Security equipment and vehicles will be imported from best possible foreign sources for incorporating in to our systems. Some of the equipment may also be assembled here in Pakistan in due course of time. UCL looks forward to having long term collaboration with foreign companies especially in China, Korea, Iran and USA. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 00:10 |