Business category 1 | Ore |
City ( of main office ) | Barcelona, ES, Spain |
Address | REINA CRSITINA 11 |
Phones | 34-93-6546120 |
Fax | 34-93-6542176 |
Web site | www.unitedelectronics.com |
About | Founded in 1967 with sales in 2006 of Over 33 M Eur, Company owns Retails outlets in Barcelona"ELECTRONICS " district Compnays has OnLine sales of Major Consumer electronics brands and is 2nd in Nationwide sales in this segment Comapny is Exclusive distributor in Spain for: MAC AUDIO ELECTRONIC GMBH-Germany SANSUI ELECTRIC CO LTD. -Japan BENEFON OYJ-Finland AKAI ELECTRIC CO LTD-Japan SHINELCO-Italy ODYS-Germany Our Sales channel includes Hypermarktes and Electrc specailaist such as MEDIA MARKT and EL Corte Ingles. Mobile phone sales include Vodafone and Telefonica Company has a Trading Unit involed in import export of cosnumer electronics and main markets include Europe, North Africa and Middle East |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |