Business category 1 | Alcoholic Beverage |
City ( of main office ) | Civitanova Marche, IT, Italy |
Address | Via Sibilla Aleramo |
Phones | 39-0733-784008 |
Fax | 39-0733-1870175 |
Web site | www.marchesun.com |
About | Under teh Marche sun, Italy , has 400 grape-growers and manages over 700 hectares of wineyards, which grapes are constantly monitored, controled and picked at the best moment using advanced tecnology for the wine-making. The continuous engagement to adapt the ower offer to the quality standards of a high level is one of principal aims of our society, which is within the best national wine-makers thanks to the capacity of production and bottling. Since the establishment, the satisfaction of the consumer is the value which represents the philosophy of the company, convinced that quality is the only efficient and lasting approach in a market which is getting always more competitive. From this point of view we introduce our collections, which are renewed and increased, for the attention of our customers, with the conviction that Under the Marche sun will continue to be a land marks for whom wine appreciate of engagement to bring out the value of the wine which has always produced higt quality wine like San Giovese, Merlot,Cabernet made in Italy . Our group produce also Fine Olive oil and Fine mineral water . We search good partner in the Foreign Market like Wholesale,Importer,Distributor. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 14:10 |