Trademark Company
Business category 1 | Lighters & Smoking Accessories |
City ( of main office ) | Fridley, US, United States |
Address | 7880 Beech Str. NE |
Phones | 1763-502-7777 |
Fax | 1763-786-9252 |
Web site | |
About | Trademark company was founded in 2004 to compete in the US Tobacco Market, which includes a wide selection of RYO/MYO tobacco, filter tubes and tips, cigarette machines and injectors, cigarette papers, and a lot more. It's our commitment to provide you and your business with the highest quality products and service to ensure your complete satisfaction. Our products are manufactured using the best technology in the united states and uses carefully selected tobacco leaves from the largest leaf providers in the united states. With our wide experience in the market, we are well aware of the challenges that tobacco distributors and retailers face. Trademark company recognized the opportunity for a tobacco manufacturer to introduce new products into the marketplace at much lower costs, which offers higher profit margins and aid the modern tobacco distributors and retailers. Trademark company was built on the foundation of honest, friendly service and quality products that you can rely upon. It is our primary concern to maintain this founding and continue to build our partnership for growth and success in the future. Sincereley Trademark Co Ceo and Staff |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 10:10 |