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Business category 1 Other Environmental Products
City ( of main office ) Tomsk, RU, Russia
Address 25a Kosareva St.
Phones 7-3822-597032
Fax 7-3822-565618
About Performing searching oil and gas deposits utilizing a new technology. Many successful results. Can provide details. Ads upon request.

The company is created by scientists, experts and the Russian businessmen for introduction of new technologies of mineral and raw materials resources directed on accelerated reproduction, first of all petroleum and gas.

Company actively introduces technology EI filtrations of the pictures allowing worldwide to reveal borders of predicted oil fields and gas; to determine depth of deposits and their distribution density. It helps to begin deep search drilling before realization of detailed seismic works directed on preparation of a trap.

Scientific basis of this technology are processes of nucleons and outer electron spins interaction in atoms and molecules of investigated mineral deposits which result in radiation of electromagnetic waves with characteristic frequencies in a radio range. High penetrating ability of radiations of this frequency in the earth's crust (up to 15km), their holographic registration in a photosensitive layer has opened unique opportunities in studying the Earth. A large quantity of homogeneous substance creates powerful and specific radio-frequency field spectrum. It was experimentally defined, that at photographing any objects, getting on photo detector together with an electromagnetic (optical) stream, their own spin - spin radio-frequency radiations cause redistribution of the charged particles, released as a result of an internal photo effect in the photo detector at the moment of optical waves flow exposition. It was found possible to reveal both of oil and gas deposits contours and other parameters.

With the purpose of approbation of EI technology last five years much of works on processing pictures made on foot routes, from a board of the helicopter, from a board of a space vehicle on well-known deposits were carried out. For these purposes were chosen Myldginskoye, Severo-Vasyuganskoye deposits in Tomsk area, Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye, Agaleyevskoye in Kras-noyarsk territory, Taturskoye emergency gas out-come in Irkutsk area, Novo - Mikhailovskoye in Khakasiya, the petroleum deposit the White Tiger located in shelf zone of the South-Chinese sea and an oil producing province in the North part of Afghanistan.

Efficiency of this technology on studying deposits distribution density within the limits of a deposit was approved on Gorstovoye deposit in Tomsk area. Approbation works have shown high efficiency of this technology that has allowed using it for practical tasks. With this purpose at NASA, Joint-Stock Company "TOMKO" gets space pictures territories of interest and processes them with EI technology. As a result of these researches in Krasnoyarsk territory in two hundred kilometers strip from Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye deposits up to the average water-course of Angara more than 20 various density de-posits was revealed. In Tomsk area such three objects, in Khakasiya one located in area of Shira city was revealed. Positive results were received at the simplified processing pictures of the EAST-1 and the EAST-3 parametrical wells in Tomsk area. In area of the East-3 well two zones of oil and gas deposits were revealed.

The forecasts for Beryambinskaya area in Krasnoyarsk territory made with this technology were confirmed by drilling of a well No 1.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 11:10