Business category 1 Quarry Stone & Slabs
City ( of main office ) Santa Fe Springs, US, United States
Address 11100 Greenstone Ave
Phones 1-562-9448323
Fax 1-562-9446813
About Tme enterprises and its subsidiaries, crown laboratories and u. S. Apothecary laboratories, are manufacturers, labelers and packagers of over the counter drugs, vitamins, minerals, natural herbals and health products with a 20, 000 square foot plant in the USA with overseas offices and registrations in a number of foreign countries. We have been in operation since 1990 and are fully registered with both the us federal and california state food and drug administrations in the USA as well as manufacturing facility registration some foreign countries.

We produce a full range of vitamin, herbal or mineral products ranging from single vitamins such as b-1, b-6, vitamin c to multi-vitamin / mineral / herbal equivalents to national brands. Drug products include analgesics, cough and cold, allergy and diet products. Nearly any custom formulation may be developed and produced for private label customers requesting their own labels for distribution and sales.

We also market a unique Cement additive Dynobond and information may be viewed at WWW. Dynobondproducts. Com

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10