Business category 1 | Grain |
City ( of main office ) | Bangkok, TH, Thailand |
Address | 14 / 1462 M. 13 T. BangBuaTong |
Phones | 66-2-9258423 |
Fax | 66-2-9258422 |
About | A&A THAI RICE have launched to the public in year 2009 as one of the best quality Thai Hom Mali Rice(Jasmine Rice) originated in NorthEastern provinces where it is the best place for planting Thai Hom Mali Rice (Jasmine Rice) in Thailand. Quality Thai Hom Mali Rice (Jasmine Rice) from Ministry of Commerce of Thailand's Certified Rice Mills. Certified GMP/HACCP for food safety system guarantee by SGS(Thailand) Ltd. Besides Thai Hom Mali Rice(Jasmine Rice),we also provide Thai Long Grain White Rice suits to customers' requirement. A&A THAI RICE was the registered Trade Mark of Tac Agro Siam International Co.,Ltd (Exporter & Trading Company) based in Thailand. Everyone at Tac Agro Siam International Co.,Ltd always puts our best efforts to serve and bring the best quality rice product to our customer in many countries. We are opening for oversea distributors who can carry on our newly launched products A&A THAI RICE to consumers. If you are interested in being our agent in your home town,please feel free to contact Ms.Annie (Business Owner). Buyers/Importers/Agents in all countries are welcome. We have commitment to give our customer the best quality products, most competitive price, reliable services and punctual delivery. We look forward to hearing from you very soon. A&A THAI RICE (ASSURE IN QUALITY & ASPIRE IN GIVING BEST SERVICE WITH CARE) |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |