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Swell Source

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Victoria, CA, Canada
Address #406-864 Pembroke St
Phones 1-250-8303825
Web site www.swellsourceonline.com
About Sick of getting 1am phone calls? Sick of traveling overseas when you'd rather spend time with your family? Sick of products that show up flawed or otherwise out of spec? Sick of the added stress of dealing across a cultural and social barriers?

Swell Source, a Canadian company, takes care of it for you.

A one stop shop where global manufacturing is our passion. Let us help your business while you focus on your passion, your brand.

We operate in a variety of different industries, giving us unparalleled experience in manufacturing different items. Whether you are a brewery looking for on-packs, an action sport brand looking for a new product, a retailer looking to get there message out or just need something manufactured effectively and affordably, let us know.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10