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Business category 1 Plastic Products
City ( of main office ) Brisbane, AU, Australia
Address 10 Parry St Bulimba
Phones 61-418799249
Web site www.swapkidzstuff.com.au
About Our Vision
Save! Earn! Belong!
Helping others to succeed by providing a network of Community Support
It has always been an ongoing cycle in growing families that the items that children need or desire today are outgrown or no longer needed sooner rather than later. Clothes, accessories, toys and furniture are an expensive investment and need to be replaced often.
This has been the topic of many discussions of families the world over since children put us all on that eternal treadmill of consumerism. Friends share the frustrations of many others at schools, sports fields and birthday parties and the story is always the same. Children are growing out of their clothes and toys quicker than their families can buy them and homes are slowly filling up! In most cases the items we no longer have a use for are quality items that have hardly been used or in some cases not at all. There is a real need in our community for an outlet that provides families with an opportunity to sell, swap or give away those items they no longer need and to purchase more suitable items at a fantastic price.
It was with this in mind that. . . . . .
SWAPKIDZSTUFF was created! ! !
The support of a community is important and contributes to a feeling of connectedness. It is the goal of SWAPKIDZSTUFF to provide an environment that is supportive and friendly with the flexibility to allow our traders the choices they need to achieve their goals. The website aims to assist in any way it can so that families find SWAPKIDZSTUFF a user friendly and simple way to sell, buy, swap or give away their kidz stuff. The vision is to provide ongoing financial support to sections of our own community by helping others to build profitable businesses.
Whilst SWAPKIDZSTUFF acknowledges that there are a number of websites offering similar services, there are some fundamental differences which we outline below.
SWAPKIDZSTUFF is monitored for Mums', babies' and kidz stuff to be purchased, sold, swapped and passed on. A targeted market is provided for you to access at no extra cost to you. SWAPKIDZSTUFF will ease the stresses of a growing a family. SWAPKIDZSTUFF will make the internet shopping experience easier for you by providing online support every step of the way. SWAPKIDZSTUFF offers a unique opportunity for the development of a financially successful business. SWAPKIDZSTUFF will pay a percentage of their profits forward to provide urgently needed assistance for our local communities.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10