Business category 1 | Other Construction & Real Estate |
City ( of main office ) | Rostov-na-Donu, RU, Russia |
Address | Vavilova 59 |
Phones | 7-863-2732791 |
Fax | 7-863-2732792 |
About | The North caucasus research institute of construction materials and technologies, stromtechnika, is a leader in the realization of the most cost-effective technologies for producing clay bricks. The company is involved in the entire process of designing, supplying equipment and building and starting up brick-making factories, tile-making plants and other enterprises that produce construction materials. We create design estimates, perform research and analysis on raw materials, supply and assemble equipment, build kilns for firing bricks and tiles and test out and start-up the finished factories. Stromtechnika's staff does all the work in designing and building brickmaking factories itself, without relying on subcontractors. This reduces the time involved and the eventual project costs. It also allows us to guarantee the high quality of our work. Each year, stromtechnika builds four to five new brick-making factories, not to mention the dozens of existing factories that we renovate and re-equip. The company is able to handle such a large work load thanks to the high professionalism of the institute's staff. The majority of our employees have more than thirty years' experience in designing and building brick-making factories. All the technological solutions that we offer employ the most effective methods to reach the clients' goals, thus resulting in substantial profits. As an inexpensive alternative to comparable brick-making enterprises, we design and implement projects that use the stiff-extrusion technology, and utilize only Russian-made equipment. The implementation of this concept lets us dramatically reduce a factory's building and operating costs. Another advantage is that it allows a factory to manufacture facing bricks with 50% hollowness. Among other solutions that we widely advertise and offer to our clients is the dry-pressing method, which uses kilns with removable panels. The profitability of this technology exceeds 200% . A brick-making factory we recently built has production costs of US $0. 03 per brick. At the same time, bricks produced at this factory have precise geometric proportions and comply with European quality standards. This can be regarded as the best example of the quality of our work and the thoughtfulness that we put into every project. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |