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Business category 1 Quarry Stone & Slabs
City ( of main office ) Tunis, TN, Tunisia
Address 46 (A) Street Ibn Khaldoun
Phones 216-24-248238
Fax 216-70-822439
About STEC

Mrs A the occasion of the starting of the exploitation of our marble careers, we are pleased to summarily present our company to you while hoping to tie with your company of the beneficial trade for the two parts. Indeed, the STEC, Tunisian Company of Exploitation of the Careers, fact part of the group Sogit-inter exerting since several years in the field of public works. The STEC has had several careers established in the area of Western North, we have a very good quality under name "Kaiser Brown" Within the framework of the widening of our activity, we propose to proceed to the export of our production in the form of blocks of marble and we would be happy to consider your prestigious company among our first customers. We transmit hereafter a photograph of our product to you and remain at your disposal for any further information. In addition a visit of the one of your commercial representatives would be welcome in Tunisia

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10