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Solomon Scraper Technology

Business category 1 Power Tools
City ( of main office ) Marion, US, United States
Address 266 Uhler
Phones 1-396-3378
Fax 1-396-3377
About Solomon scraper technology is looking for a trade partner to manufacture and put to market the power scraper. To share our new technology in the development of other tools for oil and gas markets, along with industrial markets. Rotary poer to recipracating in 7 moving parts, the blade moves 70 times a second or 4200 times a minute. Sst has all marketing plans for both tools complete. I have video of power scraper in action, that removes paint, wallpaper, gaskets and all debris from surfaces with ease. It speeds up job time, without work. No repetitive motion required.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 11:10