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Sng Company

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Slavonski Brod, HR, Croatia
Address Koste Stamenkovic 9
Phones 381-18-512769
Fax 381-18-512768
Web site www.sng.co.yu
About Our company: "sng company" was founded in year 2002. And with traffic safety products making we have started end of year 2005.

Plant is located in serbia & montenegro (former yugoslavia) 130 km south of belgrade, in small industrial town jagodina.

Originaly built in 1980's our plant was unique in balkans area for used electrical cables recycling, with cappacity designed for whole former yugoslavia (ca.500 tons monthly).

Four years ago we have changed plants ownership and apart from cables recycling we have started introducing cable plastic recycling program, too.

Within last 3 years we have organized unique plastics recycling process carefully choosing several diferent technologies and buying equipment in western Europe mainly.

For last 2 years we were mainly buying, installing and testing plastics recycling equipment in order to start about 6 months ago with industrial scale traffic safety products making.

Our current capacity is approx.200 MT of ready made plastics products monthly and we are looking to increase it in the future, owing to our own raw material ressources.

Curently we are producing following products for traffic and road safety industries:

- speed humps/bumps/retarders/ramps (30,

50 and 70 mm heights)

- safety base plates (25-38 kg)

- round and square sign and poles bases (14-

26 kg)

- fence feet (16 -24 kg)

- aluminum road and pedestrian studs

- road separators

- heavy duty barriers (25 kg)

- temporary pedestrian crossing plates (24 kg)

- non-ferrous metals castings (exp. Street

Furniture, architectulral bollards and poles, aluminum garden chairs and tables,

Industrial parts, etc),

And are planing to introduce much more new products in next several years. Not only for traffic safety business, but for other industries too.

As we have started relatively recently with plastics recycling production we are fairly new in the market, but have already several customers/long term contracts in EU (beglium, UK, Germany, Greece, Romania, Italy, etc. ) and Russia owing to our long term foreign trade experience and contacts worldwide.

Products quality is tested/approved by our materials testing insitiute and is corresponding to EU regulations for this products group. Detailed atests in English are available upon request.

We have several diferent techologies for making final products which are: Compression molding, extruding and injection, with some more processes to come in future.

As we said, apart from plastic recycling we are leading electrical cables recyclers in the region and are always opened for processing anothers owners cables at our plant.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10