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Smart Marketing Consulting Group

Business category 1 Consulting
City ( of main office ) Budapest, HU, Hungary
Address Szechenyi u. 15.
Phones 36-70-3182333
Fax 36-46-565196
About Smart Marketing Consulting Group, located in Miskolc, Hungary, was established in 2002 as a response to the growing demand for a marketing consultancy specialized in marketing research and marketing strategy. We are a young but dinamically growing company. Our mission is to find prompt responses even to the most difficult questions in our time-pressured world when working together.

We are the best choice when it comes to marketing research and / or marketing strategy.

We offer conducting marketing researches in Hungary and in the region at reasonable price.

If you would like to outsource your research, we can process your data and send back the reports. We offer cost advantage and high quality at the same time. Should you have any inquiries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,

Szabolcs Nagy PhD.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10