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Slash N Burn Pvt Ltd.

Business category 1 Yellow Corn
City ( of main office ) Guwāhāti, IN, India
Address 30, Ananda Nagar Path, Sixmile
Phones 91-361-2335448
Fax 91
About SLASH N BURN Pvt. Ltd. is incorporated under the companies act, 1956 and the company is private limited located at Guwahati, Assam, India. We are one of selected company for manufacturer and exporter of Plant Growth Regulators/ Hi Yield Promoter

Customer satisfaction is our motto

In order to maintain and sustain the good name of Slash N Burn Pvt. Ltd. we have systematically form the Business. We export Green Moog Bean, Black Eyed Kidney Bean, Pinto Kidney Bean, Yellow Kidney Bean, White Kidney Bean, Cranberry Kidney Bean, Red Speckled Kidney Bean, White Corn, Yellow Corn, Naga Chilli/ King Chilli, Ginger etc.

We have brought yet another revolution in the field of Agriculture by Manufacturing Plant Growth Regulator/Hi Yield Growth Promoter which we have branded as Briddhi.

BRIDDHI Hi-Yield Fertilizer DOUBLES Crop Yields and Farmers Income.

Slash N Burn Pvt. Ltd. offering Briddhi Hi-Yield Promoter, Worlds latest 100% Organic product to DOUBLE the yields of Cotton, Chillis, Coconuts, all Fruits & Vegetables crops, Flower Crops, Seed Crops, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops

Briddhi Rice Hi-yield Promoter INCREASES the yields of Rice Crops, Wheat, Maize, Corn and Pulses crops, Sugarcane, Banana, Oilseed Crops & Bio-diesel Crops by 30% to 75% with highly improved quality.
Simple foliar spray of water-soluble Briddhi powder per acre, improves Soil fertility and Crops productivity, resulting in 100% and above higher yields in all Inorganic and Organic Cultures, fetching highest income to the Farmers and Corporate Cultivators.

Briddhi is Eco-friendly and absolutely safe Herbal formula with worlds most advanced infusion technology, promotes rich green growth, highest yields & quality, resistance to diseases and minor pests.

We are inviting Overseas Importers and Distributors from all states of India and welcoming Farmers & Corporate Cultivators to utilize Briddhi for DOUBLED Yields and Income.

Our main markets for Export are:
North America
South America
Eastern Asia
Western Europe
Legal Representative/Business Owner:
Dharmendra Kaushik

Company Address:
House No: 30, Ananda Nagar Path, Sixmile, P.O.: Khanapara, Guwahati: 781022, Assam, India

For more information please contact us:
Anil Wilson
Cell: +919435705194
Tel: +91 361 2334558, +919207043430
Email: infoslashnburngmail.com
Skype Id: awanilwilson
Msn id: wilsonanil

Thanking you
From Slash n Burn Pvt. Ltd.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10