Sensor Technology Ltd
Business category 1 | Optical Instruments |
City ( of main office ) | Bicester, GB, United Kingdom |
Address | 68 Heyford Park, Upper Heyford |
Phones | 44-1869-238400 |
Fax | 44-1869-238401 |
About | SENSOR TECHNOLOGY LTD has been involved in the design and manufacture of high performance torque transducers for 25 years. Recently the company originated a radical new technology for rotary torque measurement. TORQSENSE Transducers are the world's first low cost non-contact rotary torque transducers designed specifically for OEM applications. Traditionally rotary torque is difficult and expensive to measure, but, by using existing technology in a novel way, inexpensive transducers can be produced for situations where monitoring or control of drive mechanisms is required. The transducers feature high resolution and accuracy, and excellent noise immunity. Applications include automotive, such as electric power steering, and condition monitoring, where knowledge of torque is critical, as well as monitoring of torque during mixing processes where consistency of mix is required. The company is seeking cooperation with companies who have applications for the technology in OEM equipment. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 00:10 |