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Seheco Group

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Yaoundé, CM, Cameroon
Address Agyati Bafut
Phones 237-77649174
Fax 237
About Our company is aim at providing a natural source of energy that also offers a unique combination of nutritional benefits to human life.Recent studies suggest that this unique mixture of sugars which occurs naturally in honey,works best in preventing fatigue and enhancing athletic performance.

Our honey is raw,unheated and unfiltered.That is,our raw honey is only strained to remove any bits of honey comb wax,so it still contains original pollen because it is not filtered.We do not heat the honey like commercial honey packers do to break down any sugar crystals.That's why their honey will stay clear on the supermarket shelf.Of course,heat above 115 deg destroys the antioxidants,important enzymes,vitamins and other beneficial attributes.Also many people find that heated honey looses much of its natural aroma and flavor.

We area small producer with several hives on our own property located in a rural area away from commercial property and agricultural chemical use.Our apiary has been operated as an organic apiary for a number of years.The honey is produced in organic practice hives and is handled to organic standards.We depend on the bees for the rest.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10