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Scaringi Marmi Di Scaringi & C. S. A. S.

Business category 1 Cranes
City ( of main office ) Trani, IT, Italy
Address Via Barletta Contrada Curatoio N.36
Phones 39-883-586810
Fax 39-883-588707
Web site www.scaringimarmisas.it
About About 50 years ago the scaringi marmi s. A. S. Began its activity in the stone's sector establishing itself as one of the leader firms in its field and making itself known on the world market.

This firm owns some quarries in different extractive areas in the province of bari which blocks of different species and tones are extracted.

Its strenght is management of its own quarries because it ensures quantity and quality of material always on offer.

The extractive activity is done thanks to innovative technologies and with environmental respect, minimizimg the effects and being careful about the recovery of the areas both during the work and at the end of it.

The transfomation unit extends itself over an area of more then 40.000 mq(6.000 of which are covered) where slabs(untreated and brilliant of any thickness) and manufactures(both in standard sizes and tailored) are sawn.

Thanks to the installation of cranes, diamond blades set on a power loom through vertical gangsaws, circular saws, slabs line of automatic resin filling, slabs line polishing, etc. And to the employment of skilled workers, the production targeted to the national and international markets enables to keep a leading position and satisfy various markets demands to thus implementing several projects.

This firm distinguishes itself on the market also for the careful manufacture and the selection of the material, for the perfect packing, for the precise execution of the loading operations and for the customer assistance that's more and more up to date information with a continuous and unfailing personal contact.

The scaringi marmi sas is placed in trani's industrial area easily reachable thanks to the main road links.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10