Business category 1 | Car Video |
City ( of main office ) | Sydney, AU, Australia |
Address | Level 29, 1, Market St. |
Phones | 61-2-92903114 |
Fax | 61-2-9290 3580 |
Web site | |
About | SunBlaster Corporation Pty Limited is incorporated in New South Wales, Australia and owns the Intellectual Property, Patents and Moulds for the SunBlaster-Glare Reducing Visor. Distributors have been appointed for United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Holland, Germany, Italy, North America and Japan with negotiations well advanced for several other countries. Product Information The Sunblaster - Car Sun Visor removes glare from blinding sunlight and reflective surfaces, but without impairing vision. Designed for your safety, the Sunblaster - Car Sun Visor is lightweight, smooth edged, and made from shatterproof Polycarbonate. Carefully ease the Sunblaster - Car Sun Visor clips directly onto the hinged edge of your existing car visor. For best results, angle the Sunblaster - Car Sun Visor to block the glare so that driver vision is maintained through the windscreen glass. BLOCKS 99% OF HARMFUL UVA & UVB SUN RAYS...!!! The Extremely versatile Sunblaster Car Sun Visor can be mounted anywhere it is needed. The driver can adjust the Sunblaster Car Sun Visor to allow for both the strength and position of the sun, by rotating the front sunvisors, or mounting directly on the window, the driver, the front passenger and even rear passengers can be protected from the suns direct glare. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |